Blog Post

Which One is Better -Gua Sha or Jade Roller?

sept 23, 2021
Woman lying down on a massage bed enjoying Gua Sha facial massage.

  Adding This Amazing Beauty Kit to Boost Your Skin Health

I have an amethyst jade roller and a rose quartz gua sha on my dressing table.  I enjoy using both tools in my morning skincare routine. 

Gua sha and jade rollers are made of similar semi-precious stones.  They do similar jobs.  However, prices vary a lot, ranging from 6€ to 68€ for a single item or a set.  So shop around before you purchase.  Be aware that there are gua sha and jade rollers which are made from fake stones (like glass), personally I think it is best to avoid them. Why use glass when you can have a real gem? In this post, I will briefly talk about how to use them and what they are used for . are made of similar semi-precious stones.  They do similar jobs.  However, prices vary a lot, ranging from 6€ to 68€ for a single item or a set.  So shop around before you purchase.  Be aware that there are gua sha and jade rollers which are made from fake stones (like glass), personally I think it is best to avoid them. Why use glass when you can have a real gem? In this post, I will briefly talk about how to use them and what they are used for .

How to use jade roller? 

1. Always put facial cream, oil or serum on your skin before massaging with a jade roller.  It is easier to roll on moisturized skin.

2. Gently move the large roller in an outward and downward motion starting from the neck, this help to stimulate the lymphatic drainage going down your throat. 

3. Then move to the centre of the face, repeat the rolling action in an outward and upward direction (lifting effect) on your jaw line, lower cheek and cheekbones on both side of the face. 

4. Use the small roller to massage under your eye, and then continue with the large roller to finish off on your forehead. 

5. Repeat at least 3 times per area.  Go across the face in one stroke slowly each time it touches the skin.  

What are the benefits of jade roller?

Jade roller is mostly used for promoting facial lymphatic drainage.  It is very soothing and relaxing, you should feel a sense of coolness while using the jade roller on your face and neck. With regular usage it can do wonders on your skin. In particular, the benefits of jade roller are that it:


  • boosts blood circulation, energizing your skin.
  • reduces puffiness on the skin.
  • stimulates skin detoxification.
  • brightens the complexion and gives a natural glow to your face.


How do I use gua sha?

Below are the basic instructions of applying gua sha for facial massage purpose:


  1. Always moisturize your skin with a facial cream, oil or serum before using gua sha.
  2. It should be used outward and upward at an angle of up to 45 degrees. 
  3. Gently but firmly, starting from the middle of your face, move slowly along your jaw line in an outward & upward motion (towards your ears).
  4. Continuing with your lower cheek, cheekbones, under-eye, ending with your forehead.
  5. Scraping 5-15 times per area is recommended for best results.

What can you benefit from gua sha?

Gua sha is an excellent intrusive tool for anti-ageing beauty care. With regular usage, you should be able to experience the following benefits:

  • Helps lymphatic drainage - reduces puffiness or swelling. 
  • Cleanses the skin tissues by unblocking toxins stagnation.
  • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines by relaxing the muscles and skin.
  • Stimulates blood flow - brightens the complexion.
  • Lifts and sculpts - by working within the muscle to firm and tone.⁣
  • Helps prevent acne breakouts by reducing clogged pores; it may reduce acne scarring as it encourages new skin growth.
  • Allows the facial oils / serum to penetrate deeper to nourish the skin.


What is the main difference?

In brief, the main difference between gua sha and jade rollers lies in the techniques involved in using each.  Although gua sha and jade roller are an amazing addition to your skincare regime, gua sha is more effective as it works deeply in the skin.  Unlike jade rollers, gua sha can also be applied on most parts of our body to release muscle tension and reduce pains.

Compared to Jade rollers, gua sha needs more time and expertise to apply.  There are many YouTube bloggers sharing useful tips on how to use a gua sha kit, and one of my favourites is @ Ghotamista.  However, if you don’t have enough spare time to master gua sha, then jade rollers are the perfect alternative to incorporate into your self-care routine. 

Why is lymphatic drainage important?

While the heart continuously pumps blood through the blood vessels, the lymphatic system relies on the movement of smooth muscles to transport fluid through the lymph vessels.  The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from our body tissues.  By making the lymph fluid move around our body efficiently, we get rid of (drain off) the unwanted waste and toxins which accumulate daily.  Imbalanced life style as well as inactive physical movements can cause lymph fluid to build up; this could cause the development of health issues in the long term.

Recently, I have come across a YouTube viewer commenting that after only 2 sessions of lymphatic drainage by using a jade roller, the swelling in her cheek, lip, sinus and jaw line on the right side caused by a dental treatment had gone down dramatically.  In my view, the therapeutic benefit which was brought to her does not come as a total surprise. 

Gua sha (刮痧) comes from the Chinese word, which means skin scraping.  The Chinese invented gua sha technique thousands years ago. It is still a popular remedy method used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China, Hon Kong, Vietnam as well as Taiwan.  Gua sha is normally used to treat symptoms such as headache, muscle pains, injury, stiffness, tension, and fatigue.  I still remember my grand mum used to scrape my neck with her jade stone or with a porcelain spoon when I was a kid to treat head dizziness.  It hurt a little bit, but it always worked!  In recent years, the technique of gua sha has been modernized and popularized by western countries, especially the USA, promoting it as a valuable facial beauty aid. 

If you are a beginner to gua sha or jade roller, which one will you try first?

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